Thursday 13 September 2012

White, artistic white.


Many says, I want change
Want change in my time
Want change in my life
I want a change badly
I want change, many say

They pray for a change
They wish for a change
They look for a change
But they will not change
They just wait for change

It never happens to them
It will never ever happen
By mere prayer or wish
It must start from inside
With tons of determination

Change is not so easy
It takes lots of time
So it needs determination
The will to make change
The will to see change

Then only things will change
Then only time will change
Then only life will change
So go and get change
To see the bliss of change

Kranthi Pothineni


  1. Hola, ¡que guapa estás! besos

  2. Como siempre, decirte que me encanta tu estilo!
    y me muero de envidia la verdad, ya me gustaria a mi estar ahí donde estas tú
    Un besote muy fuerte desde Galicia

  3. BOnitas fotos!! desde hoy te sigo

  4. lovely blog, i was thinking about black dip dye for a while it looks great on you!
